

Cheque or Cash

A Fundraising and Volunteer commitment is required per family with skaters in:

Learn to Skate Skating LessonsImageImage

Pre-CanSkate, CanSkate, PreSTARSkate and STARSkate Programs.

Cheques or cash must be submitted the first day of programs.

Skaters will not be allowed on ice until this requirement is met.

All families with a skater in any of the above classes are required to make a fundraising and a volunteering commitment to the club. The club will keep an undated cheque or cash in the amount of $150 to ensure this commitment to the club is made. The club has many jobs and a volunteer sign up will be available the first week of programs.

The cheques or cash will be returned or held over for the next season if both a Fundraising and Volunteer commitment is made. If you are unable to fundraise and volunteer, the $150 will be kept in lieu of a commitment. We thank you kindly for your donation to the club.

Skaters participating in Power Skating do not have a Fundraising and Volunteering commitment to the club.


Please make out a separate cheque in the amount of $150 to the Ripely-Huron Skating Club and leave the date blank.


Parent Volunteers are the foundation of any successful community organization!